フェル・レポート 単語


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フェル・レポート』(Fell Report)とは、1947年に提出されたアメリカ軍の文書である。いわゆる「731部隊」の人体実験に関する記述があることで知られる。



この『フェル・レポート』とは通称であり、正式な題(「SUBJECT」)は『Brief Summary of New Information About Japanese B.W. Activities』(和訳例:「日本生物兵器事業に関する新情報概要」)。

制作者は「ノーバート・H・フェル博士」(Dr. Norbert H. Fell)。ミドルネームの部分を略して「ノーバート・フェル博士」(Dr. Norbert Fell)と表記されることもある。『フェル・レポート』の通称は彼の名による。



なぜ前の2つのレポートでは触れられていなかった人体実験に関する記述が後の2つで出てくるのかについては、慶應義塾大学機関ポジトリで開されている同大学所属の研究者「松村高夫」らの著作『『ヒル・レポート』(上) : 731部隊の人体実験に関するアメリカ側調査報告(1947年)exit』に詳しい[1]




こうして得られた『フェル・レポート』は、秘密文書の扱いであった。しかし年の経過によって秘密定が解除され、アメリカの「国立公文書記録管理局」(National Archives and Records Administration、略して「NARA」)を介しての入手が可となった。日本で入手しやすいものとしては、2003年11月書房から出版された『CD-ROM版・731部隊資料集成』(編:近藤昭二)に収録されているとのこと。また上記の「松村高夫」や、他にも「常石敬一」といった日本731部隊研究者らはアメリカから1980年代に入手し、自らの著作内で内容を紹介している。たとえば常石敬一が編訳した1984年の書籍『標的・イシイ』、および同じく常石敬一の著書『消えた細菌部隊』の1989年版で増補された部分にも翻訳文が収録されている(※この『標的・イシイ』内の和訳の引用を含む講義資料を大阪市立大学教授土屋志が自らのウェブサイト開しており、本記事でも後の節でその講義資料へのリンクとともに軽く紹介する)。ちなみに松村高夫は上記の『『ヒル・レポート』(上) : 731部隊の人体実験に関するアメリカ側調査報告(1947年)exit』内にて、入手方法について以下のように説明しており、類似の手続きを踏めば現在でもアメリカから独自に入手することは可かと思われる。

本史料は,1984年10月26日ワシントン陸軍省に情報開法Freedom of Information Actにもとづいて請し,同年11月6日に入手したものである。

上記「NARA」は現在ではウェブサイトを持っているexit。その中には「ナチス戦争犯罪日本帝国政府記録の各省庁作業班」(Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Records Interagency Working Group、略しても長すぎるので最後の「Interagency Working Group」の頭文字のみ取って「IWG」)という組織のページがあるexit。このIWGが調べものの助けとして提供しているexit資料カタロPDFSelect Documents on Japanese War Crimes and Japanese Biological Warfareexit』内には、『フェル・レポート』すなわち『Brief Summary of New Information About Japanese B.W. Activities』の名称が挙げられている。このPDFはあくまで「資料のカタログリスト」であるため全な内容を含むわけではないのだが、いくつかの資料は参考として部分的な画像スキャンが添えられている。この『フェル・レポート』も画像スキャンが添付されているうちのひとつであり、これを閲覧すれば途中までとはいえ内容もインターネット上で確認できる。




3. The human subjects used at the laboratory and field experiments were said to be Manchurian coolies who had been condemned to death for various crimes. It was stated positively that no American or Russian prisoners of war had been used at any time (except that the blood of some American POW's had been checked for antibody content), and there is no evidence to indicate that this statement is untrue. The human subjects were used in exactly the same manner as other experimental animals, i.e., the minimum infectious and lethal dosage of various organisms was determined on them, they were immunized with various vaccines and then challenged with living organisms, and they were used as subjects during field trials of bacteria disseminated by bombs and sprays.



以下に掲載する原文テキストデータは、「概要」でも触れた、「国立公文書記録管理局」(NARA)のウェブサイト内で「ナチス戦争犯罪日本帝国政府記録の各省庁作業班」(IWG)が提供しているPDFファイル資料カタロPDFSelect Documents on Japanese War Crimes and Japanese Biological Warfareexit』内に収録された『フェル・レポート』のスキャン画像を元にしている。







20 June 1947

SUBJECT: Brief Summary of New Information About Japanese B.W. Activities

TO: Chief, Chemical Corps

THROUGH: Technical Director, Camp Detrick
                 Commanding Officer, Camp Detrick

FROM: Chief, PP-E Division, Camp Detrick

1. During February 1947 information was received from G-2, Far East Command, that new data might be available concerning Japanese B.W. activities. This information was based largely on numerous anonymous letters sent to the C-in-C, F.E.C., from various former members of the Japanese B.W. organization (Boeki Kyusui Bu), describing various experiments carried out on human beings at the main B.W. installation, Pingfan in Manchuria. G-2 considered this information reliable enough to justify a request that a representative from Camp Detrick be sent to the theatre in order to evaluate the information that had been collected.

2. The undersigned proceeded to Tokyo, Japan, under orders dated 4 April 1947 for temporary duty with G.H.Q., G-2, F.E.C. Upon arrival on 13 April he reviewed the file that had been collected and agreed with representatives of G-2 that the information seemed reliable enough to justify further interrogations of leading members of the former Japanese B.W. organization. Through a fortunate series of circumstances and with the help of an influential Japanese politician, (who seems seriously desirous of cooperating completely with the U.S.), it was finally possible to get the key Japanese medical men who had been connected with B.W. to agree to reveal the entire story. The results obtained are as follows:

a. 19 of the key figures in the B.W. program (several men who had important positions have died) assembled and spent almost a month preparing a 60-page report in English on B.W. activities directed against man. This report was prepared largely from memory, but there were some documents still available that were of assistance to the group. A summary of the many details in this report will be given below.

b. It was found that extensive experimentation had been carried out in the field of crop destruction. The group engaged in this work was small, consisting of one botanist and one plant physiologist with a small group of assistants; however, research had been carried on


actively for nine years. The botanist agreed to cooperate fully and eventually submitted a 19-page report in English covering research on crop diseases. No studies were made on growth regulating hormones, but plant pathogens were investigated extensively. Most of those studied at Camp Detrick had been investigated by the Japanese and in addition many others received attention. Fungi, bacteria, and nematodes were studied, particularly for their effects on practically all grains and vegetables, especially those grown in Manchuria and Siberia.

As an example of the type of work performed, the effects of various pathogens on more than 200 varieties of wheat were studied in the laboratory, in greenhouses and in field plots. Not much work was done on dissemination of plant pathogens but a great deal of study was devoted to geographical and climatic factors. Research was carried out on the various factors relating to infection, the production of agents on a large scale, collection of smut spores after field cultivations, estimated losses that might be expected from the use of pathogens, and defensive measures.

This report has not been analyzed at Camp Detrick as yet; however, after a preliminary inspection, Dr. Norman believes that it contains much interesting and worthwhile information.

c. An interesting report was received on the theoretical and mathematical considerations involved in particle-size determinations, and on droplet distribution of B.W. materials dispersed by bombs or aircraft sprays.

d. Twelve field trials were conducted against Chinese civilians and soldiers. A summary of the results and a map of the villages and towns involved more submitted. A brief description of this summary and the tactics employed will be given below.

e. A short report was received from one individual who had been connected with the free balloon project. In this report it was admitted that considerable attention had been given to using the balloons for dissemination of B.W. agents, but it was concluded that they were unsatisfactory for this purpose. However, full details about the balloons may be obtained, if desired, from other individuals connected with the project throughout its existence.

f. An original printed document representing a series of lectures given to spies and saboteurs by one of the leading B.W. officials is available. A translated summary of this document is on hand at Camp Detrick.


g. It was found that an organization completely separate from Pingfan had carried on a considerable amount of research in the veterinary B.W. field. At the present time 10 members of this group are engaged in preparing a report that will be available sometime in August.

h. General Ishii, the dominant figure in the B.W. program, is writing a treatise on the whole subject. This work will include his ideas about the strategical and tactical use of B.W. weapons, how these weapons should be used in various geographical areas, (particularly in cold climates), and a full description of his "ABEDO" theory about biological warfare. This treatise will represent a broad outline of General Ishii's 20-years' experience in the B.W. field and will be available about 15 July.

i. It was disclosed that there were available approximately 8,000 slides representing pathological sections derived from more than 200 human cases of disease caused by various B.W. agents. These had been concealed in temples and buried in the mountains of southern Japan. The pathologist who performed or directed all of this work is engaged at the present time in recovering this material, photomicrographing the slides, and preparing a complete report in English, with descriptions of the slides, laboratory protocols, and case histories. This report will be available about the end of August.

j. A collection of printed articles totaling about 600-pages covering the entire field of natural and artificial plague has been received; there is also on hand a printed bulletin of approximately 100 pages dealing with some phase of B.W. or C.W. warfare. These documents are both in Japanese and have not been translated.

3. The human subjects used at the laboratory and field experiments were said to be Manchurian coolies who had been condemned to death for various crimes. It was stated positively that no American or Russian prisoners of war had been used at any time (except that the blood of some American POW's had been checked for antibody content), and there is no evidence to indicate that this statement is untrue. The human subjects were used in exactly the same manner as other experimental animals, i.e., the minimum infectious and lethal dosage of various organisms was determined on them, they were immunized with various vaccines and then challenged with living organisms, and they were used as subjects during field trials of bacteria disseminated by bombs and sprays. These subjects also were used almost exclusively in the extensive work that was carried out with plague. The results obtained with human beings were somewhat






PDFファイルSelect Documents on Japanese War Crimes and Japanese Biological Warfareexit』内では、上記の『Brief Summary of New Information About Japanese B.W. Activities』以外にもフェル博士に関連する資料がかなり多数リストアップされている。



なお、下記の文書タイトル欄に登場する日本人アルファベット表記のうち「ISHII」(イシイ)や「Shiro ISHII」(シロー・イシイ)は石井四郎、「OTA」(オータ)や「OTA, KIYOSHI」(オオタキヨシ)は太田澄、「KIKUCHI」(キクチ)や「Hitoshi KIKUCHI」(ヒトシ・キクチ)は菊池斉、「KAMEI, Kanichiro」(カメイ、カンイチロー)は亀井貫一郎、「MASUDA, Tomosada」(マスダ、トモサダ)は増田知貞、「NAITO」(ナイトー)は内藤良一、「IKARI, Tsunoshigo [?]」(イカリ、ツネシゴ?)は常重、「MURAKAMI, Takashi」(ムラカミ、タカシ)は村上隆、「WAKAMATSU, Yujiro」(ワカマツユージロー)は若松次郎す。訳中では分かりやすく漢字表記で記載した。

コメント欄に登場する「Tomio Karasawa」(トミオ・カラサワ)は柄沢十三夫を、「Kiyoshi Kawashima」(キヨシ・カワシマ)は川島清をす。ただしソ連からの口頭伝達の聞き取りに拠ったため「Karasawa」は当初米軍側は「Kurasawa」(クラサワ)と聞き間違ってメモに残しており、原文では「Kurasawa」になっているものがあるという。「Mr. Miyamoto」(ミスター・ミヤモト)は宮本一か。

暫定的に、人名の前の「COL」は一大佐」と訳し、また同じく「MAJ GEN」は「少将」と訳したが、これらの人物が当時その階級であったかは確認していない。正確な階級を知る方は修正されたい。


Date - yyyy/mm/dd
Doc Title
JWC Item #
1947/01/17 Bacteriological Warfare Experiments by Japanese, summarizes meeting with Russians over their requests to interrogate ISHII & OTA

Item is Tab B of the briefing papers for SCAP Chief of Staff. Russians provide details of Japanese destruction of Pingfan facilities & all of its files & describe details of human experiments.

「この資料は連合軍最高部参謀長宛の報告資料のTab B(訳註:政府文書での「Tab」は添付文書をすことがあるようだ)である。ロシア側は日本人による房区の施設や全ての資料の破壊の詳細情報を伝達し、また人体実験に関する詳細を説明した
LTC McQuail 243/48
Bacteriological Warfare Experiments by Japanese, summarizes meeting with Russians over their requests to interrogate ISHII & OTA

Russians cite their interrogations of former medical officer of the 1st Army Group of the Kwantung Army. Major General (Med) Kiyoshi Kawashima and Major Tomio Karasawa.

LTC McQuail 243/45
1947/03/21 Message W 94446. Instructions for prior US interviews prior to any Russian interrogations of KIKUCHI, OTA, & ISHII

メッセージW 94446。菊池太田、そして石井に対するロシアの尋問よりも、合衆による事前尋問を先行させる旨の命
Interviews granted as separate from war crimes interest.

1947/03/27 Message C 51310 re W 94446

メッセージC 51310。メッセージW 94446への返信」
Requesting names of 2 representatives being sent to Tokyo.

COL. C.S. Myers 243/31
1947/03/29 Dr. Norbert Fell, CWS being sent to Tokyo to interrogate Japanese scientists

Outgoing message WAR 95265 in reply to C-51310.

C-51310への返信としての送信メッセージWAR 95265」
1947/04/01 Message W 95265. Dr. Norbert H. Fell, CWS being sent to interrogate Japanese scientists

メッセージW 95265。化学研究部のノーバート・H・フェル博士日本人科学者らを尋問するために東京派遣される」
Reply to C 51310 [1947/03/29]. Fell expected to interrogate ISHII & others. Unclear if he is empowered to grant immunity. NO FORMAL GRANT OF IMMUNITY LOCATED] Ft Detrick later makes formal statement of satisfaction with Japanese scientists responses.

「[1947年3月29日の] C 51310への返信。フェル石井やその他のメンバーを尋問することを期待された。彼が免責を保する権限を与えられていたかどうかは不透明である。(いかなる公式な免責保も確認されてはいない)。フォート・デトリック(訳註:アメリカ陸軍生物化学兵器研究拠点)は後に日本人科学者らの回答に対する満足の意を公式に表明している
1947/04/02 Message C 51446

メッセージC 51446」
Replies to W 95265 and assents to a single interrogator [Dr. Fell] for "special intelligence project."

メッセージW 95265への返信であり、1名の尋問官 [フェル博士] に「特別諜報計画」を承認するもの」
COL. C.S. Myers 243/12
1947/04/19 Roster of Personnel connected with Shiro ISHII in pursuit of Bacterial Warfare

Two part list of military & civilian personnel connected with ISHII.  List prepared for Dr. Fell's interviews of Japanese scientists. Part of a file on "BW Investigations."

Complete list of names of all persons involved to date in the pursuit of Bacterial Warfare

This appears to be a preliminary list to the one prepared for Dr. Fell.

Legal Section/ GHQ/SCAP 255/13
Roster of Personnel connected with Shiro ISHII in pursuit of Bacterial Warfare

Legal Section/GHQ/SCAP

1947/04/21 Conversation with KAMEI, Kanichiro

Alerts Dr. Fell to undisclosed information by Japanese of its offensive developments of BW.

Fell, Norbert & McQuail, R. P. 228/01
1947/04/22 Interrogation of MASUDA, Tomosada

Discusses Japanese offensivBW trial use against the Chinese and development of BW bombs.

Fell, Norbert & McQuail, R. P. 228/02
1947/04/24 Conversation with KAMEI, Kanichiro

Kamei indicates Masuda, Naito, & Kaneko have extensive knowledge of the Japanese BW program and its development.

Fell, Norbert & McQuail, R. P. 228/03
1947/04/30 Incoming Classified Message

Info on CW to be brought to attention of Dr. Fell. "Aggressive prosecution will adversely affect US interests."  [NOTE SCAP CONCERNS OVER POSSIBLE LOSS OF JAPANESE BW INFORMATION AND SCIENTISTS].

化学兵器についての情報フェル博士の注意を引いた。積極的な訴追は合衆の利益に悪を及ぼすであろう」 [連合軍最高部は日本生物兵器情報科学者を失う可性について懸念していたことを留意せよ]
1947/04-05 Conversations with [?] MASUDA, KANEKO, & NAITO.

増田金子、そして内藤との [?] 会談」
Poor copy, but concerned with Russian efforts to get Japanese BW information.

Fell, Norbert & McQuail, R. P. 228/04
1947/05/01 Interrogation of Hitoshi KIKUCHI

Former section chief of Kwantung Army Water Purification Unit

Fell, Norbert & McQuail, R. P. 228/05
1947/05/02 Interrogation of Hitoshi KIKUCHI

KIKUCHI instructed about upcoming Russian interrogations not to disclose information about [1] human experiments [2] BW use against the Chinese [3] mass production of fleas [4] chain of command [5] US instructions

Fell, Norbert H.  & McQuail, R. P. 228/12
1947/05/06 Message C 52423USSR witnesses Kawashima & Karasawa confirm Japanese BW human experiments, which ISHII characterizes as "field trials." ISHII agrees to describe BW program in return for immunity.

メッセージC 52423ソビエト社会主義共和国連邦は、石井が「野外試験」と表現したところの日本生物兵器人体実験について川島と柄沢が認めたと言した石井は見返りの免責の上でならば生物兵器計画について詳述することに同意する。」
SCAP outlines the case for keeping ISHII information in intelligence channels in return for immunity.

COL. C.S. Myers 243/14
1947/05/07 Telephone conversation with KAMEI, Kanichiro

Business associate of ISHII, Mr. Miyamoto, states ISHII wants "documentary guarantee of immunity."

McQuail, R. P 228/07
Incoming message C52452

CINFE request for 30 day extension of assignment of Dr. Norbert Fell, CWS  to interrogate Japanese scientists.

1947/05/08 Memo for Record & cover sheet

Action summary, in which CWS approves Dr. Fell's extension to interrogate Japanese BW experts.

Interrogation of Shiro ISHII

Discussions of possible pending interrogation by the Russians, of experiments at Pingfan, and references to human experiments. Issue of immunity still undecided.

Fell, Norbert & McQuail, R. P. 228/06
1947/05/09 Cover sheet for outgoing message

Approval for extension of temporary duty for Dr. Fell.

1947/05/10 Interrogation of IKARI, Tsunoshigo [?]

ツネシゴ [?] の尋問」(訳註:前述のとおり、常重のことであると思われる)
CO LIKARI was a former section chief of Unit 731.
(訳註:「CO LIKARI」は「COL IKARI」のミスタイプと思われる)

Fell, Norbert, & McQuail, R. P. 228/10
Interrogation of OTA, Kiyoshi [aka OTA Akira]

太田清 [または太田アキラとして知られる] の尋問」
COL OTA was a former section chief in the Water Purification Unit. Warned not to reveal information to Russians re: human experiments, field trials against the Chinese, mass production of fleas, chain of command in Unit 731, or US instructions.

Fell, Norbert, & McQuail, R. P. 228/09
Interrogation of MURAKAMI, Takashi

COL in Army Medical Corps and section chief of Unit 731. States his work was primarily on development and design of bacteria bomb. Expects to be interrogated by Russians soon.

Fell, Norbert, & McQuail, R. P. 228/08
1947/05/14 Message W 98097. Replies to C 52423 with 17 questions on BW field experiments against crops.

メッセージW 98097。穀物に対する生物兵器分野の実験に関する17の質問を含む、C 52423への返信」
Questions prepared by Dr. Norman for use by Dr. Fell in interrogations.

1947/05/29 Interrogation of WAKAMATSU, Yujiro

MAJ GEN Wakamatsu was formerly in Army Veterinary Corps and commanding General of the Kwantung Army Stables MANCHU 100].

Fell, Norbert, & McQuail, R. P. 228/11
1947/06/10 Summary of Information on Shiro ISHII from COL McQuail, WD, G-2

軍事(訳注:WDはWar Departmentの略。現在陸軍省)参謀第2部のマッカイ大佐からの、石井四郎に関する情報の報告」
Detailed G-2 summary of ISHII's rise to power and work in BW. G-2 notes allegations against ISHII that he injected US POWs with bubonic plague as an experiment. ["Naturally the results of these experiments are of the highest intelligence value."]

石井が権を握るまでの過程および生物兵器分野における業績についての、参謀第2部による詳細な報告。参謀第2部は石井が合衆戦争捕虜に対して実験として腺ペスト注射したのではないかという疑いを記している [当然ながら、こういった実験の結果は高い諜報価値を有する]」
1947/06/20 Brief Summary of New Information About Japanese BW Activities [Dr. Norbert Fell's findings from trip to Japan in April 1947]

日本生物兵器事業に関する新情報概要 [ノーバート・フェル博士が、1947年4月日本への渡航によって得たもの]」
Describes "60 page report in English" and a separate ISHII report, due 15 July 1947. On human experiments:"  It was stated positively that no American or Russian prisoners of war had been used at any time." Comments on use balloons for BW.

Fell, Dr. Norbert H. 123
1947/06/21 Message W 80671

メッセージW 80671」
Requests clarification by SCAP Legal on evidence against ISHII.

1947/06/24 Transmittal of interrogation reports

Transmittal of reports and interrogation by Dr. Fell and others to Far East Command G-2 [Willoughby?].

フェル博士その他から、極東軍参謀第2部 [ウィロビー?] への尋問報告の送付」
Fell, Dr. Norbert H. et. al. 228
1947/06/29 Brief Summary of New Information about Japanese B.W. Activities

Report [11 pp] by Dr. Norbert  H. Fell covers information, articles, publications, & slides acquired during his investigations in Japan.

ノーバート・H・フェル博士による、日本での彼の尋問中に得た情報・記事・出版物・スライドを含むレポート [11ページ]」
Fell, Dr. Norbert H. 227
1947/06/30 Message C 53704 replies to W 80671 and ref. C 51169. Alerts War Crimes Branch to Dr. Fell's statement that aggressive prosecution by War Crimes will adversely affect US intelligence.

メッセージC 53704、メッセージW 80671への返信であり参照C 51169。フェル博士による「積極的な戦犯審問は合衆諜報に不利益をもたらすであろう」という表明についての、戦争犯罪課への警告
COL. C.S. Myers 243/28
1947/07/17 Report of Bacteriological Warfare

Comments on report by Dr. Norbert H. Fell, CWS.

Willoughby, Gen C.A. 031
1947/07/22 Report of Bacteriological Warfare

Comments on report by Dr. Norbert H. Fell, CWS.

Willoughby, Gen C.A. 032



一つは、本記事でに扱っている「6月20日」付けの「Chief, Chemical Corps」すなわち「化学部隊長」宛の報告書であるが、これについて青木は「いわば表向きの文書」としている。そして「二つ」は、「6月24日」付けの参謀二部ウィロビー部長宛のもので、石井四郎部隊員の尋問録が含まれたものだという。

上記「関連文書」の節の表の中で、「1947/06/24」付けの「Transmittal of interrogation reports」がフェルからウィロビーに送られている。日付と送受信者が合うことから、これが青木の言う「二つのフェル・レポート」ではないかと思われる。




  1. *松村高夫, 金平茂紀 『ヒル・レポート』(上) : 731部隊の人体実験に関するアメリカ側調査報告(1947年) 三田学会雑誌 (Keio journal of economics). vol84, no.2 (1991.7), p.508(206)-526(304). 慶應義塾経済学会exit







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